Which Fork Do I Use?

Which Fork Do I Use?
Last night, my wife and I served as table hosts to six delightful students at our local university. It was their annual Etiquette Dinner Event.

The university understands that we have a generation of young adults that have no idea about table manners.

The night started with a social hour of mock-tails where the adults and students mingled and got to know each other. Then, we were escorted into the banquet room where we were seated at our tables.

So many forks, knives and spoons to choose from. Whose drink is whose, can you pass the salt please?

Watching the faces of the kids as the lessons were being taught was awesome. Things that I learned at a young age, these students had no clue.

So why is this important? Well according to Mindy Wendele, the presenter of the evening and the owner of Social Graces, having proper etiquette is a must. Here are a few of the reasons and settings I picked up.

It shows you to have social grace: Understanding and practicing proper dinner etiquette demonstrates respect and consideration for others, contributing to a pleasant dining experience for everyone involved.

Professional settings: In many professional contexts, such as business meetings, networking events, and job interviews, knowing proper dinner etiquette can make a positive impression and enhance your professional image.

It can bring about cultural awareness: Different cultures have different dining customs and manners. Being familiar with these cultural norms shows cultural sensitivity and helps avoid unintentional disrespect, misunderstandings, or embarrassment, like me. I learned this one first hand when I visited Australia for a consulting job.

It’s a form of personal development: Learning dinner etiquette and manners can enhance your self-confidence and poise in social situations, improving your overall social skills and relationships.

Family and social gatherings: Following proper dinner etiquette at family gatherings and social events can help create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, building closer relationships with friends and loved ones.

Overall, mastering dinner etiquette and manners enhances personal and professional interactions, promotes cultural understanding, and contributes to overall social harmony.

Oh, and if you’re a guy, it shows that you are not always a barbarian.

Go and make a difference in someone’s life today!

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